Coming in 2023...
Wolves Hockey is a highly illustrated sports chapter book trilogy. The story chronicles the adventures of youth roller hockey player, Zach Velez, and his team, the Wolves, in their quest for tournament gold. Along the way, adventures await as Zach and his teammates discover their greatest success is their trust in one another. The National Championships is the third title in the Wolves Hockey Trilogy.
Zach and the Wolves are on their way to the National Roller Hockey Championships. So are the Bears, Zach’s former team, including his best friend, Sam. When Zach's old and new teams collide, loyalties are questioned and friendships are tested. Torn between his past and present Zach faces unexpected challenges and dangers, on and off the rink. Amid the excitement of the Nationals Championships, storm clouds gather as Zach discovers where he truly belongs.
ISBN 978-1-954264-02-1 Print edition
ISBN 978-1-954264-06-9 eBook edition